/News/Internal news/THE EEMC LABOR CONFERENCE IN 2020



15 Mar 2020, Electrical Equipment Corporation Dong Anh-Joint stock company held a meeting of workers in 2020 with The full presence of the delegates.

After the conference opening and the introduction of the delegation, General Director Nguyen Vu Cuong has speech to report the results of the product Company's 2019 business Export Corporation, thereby drawing the experience and The task direction planned in 2020. Report Have pointed out the existence, the advantages and disadvantages that the corporation is experiencing Must.

General Director Nguyen Vu Cuong reported the results of business activities in 2019

In 2019, the corporation has always received Of the Vietnamese power group leaders with the support of the Units in the power industry. Dong Anh Electrical Equipment Corporation Happy Successful production of 500kV-467kVA transformer for hydro-plant construction Dien son La. Besides, the corporation has also signed a contract to provide many MBA and auxiliary equipment for large projects that are state of focus Deployed construction, especially with many solar power plants in the country.

The value of SXCN 2019 is VND 1133.7 billion, reaching 114.24% over the same period in 2018. The number of MBA factory reached 845 machines, the number of The MBA's repair project reached 135 machines, many 220kV MBA projects, the solar power project was Manufacturing exceeds the required progress.

At the conference, Mr. Nguyen Engraving Cuong-Chairman of The delegation reported the results of the 2020 workers ' Meeting of the Unit The Covid-19 disease Prevention and reporting on the implementation of the Democratic regulation at the base of the corporation in 2019.

Nguyen Dung Cuong-CTCE report the contents at the Conference

Especially, after the announcement of the result of the resolution of Petition at the 2019 conference and listen to the comments of the Conference schedule, general Director Nguyen Vu Cuong answered very specifically, in detail The comments of workers, creating peace of mind and excitement for the whole Representatives of the units in the efforts to perform the business tasks that the Shareholders have adopted.

Delegates to speech at the conference

The Conference also launched the completion of the objectives of the year 2020 plan, to propose solutions for implementation, create higher efficiency, practical welcome Party Congress Corporation, advance to celebrate the 50 anniversary of the traditional day of the corporation. The conference wraps with the well-being and highly agreed of the entire delegate.

EEMC Web Editor

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